Great Relationships Are No Accident


Beckham's 13th birthday ! It’s official. I have a teenager.

I couldn’t be more proud of my little boy.

I am just as proud of our relationship.

Our relationship is no joke.

Our relationship is also no accident.


Beckham lifts weights with me every time…six days a week, no less than 90 minutes each time.

I don’t force him, he chooses to join me.

We started that in April and it’s been SO good for us.

We get the time together.

In the car ride.

In the gym.

During the workout.

He gets to be with his dad hitting iron in a fairly intimidating gym…around “the guys” listening to loud rock-n-roll music (my favorite).

I don’t take this for granted.

I can’t tell you how many other dad’s have expressed deep accolades for our routine.

This connection didn’t just happen.

It didn’t show-up.

It has been years in the making

Dating back to before we even had children.

Flagpole moments made decades ago

Daily inputs, spending time, reading, connecting.

It start by getting our house in order financially YEARS ago.

It gave us the ability to change careers.

It gave us the ability to follow our dream of living a “country life”.

It gave us the ability for my wife to not work outside the home.

It gave us the ability to homeschool our children.

It gave me the ability to have tons of margin in my time and schedule.

It gave us margin financially to invest in experiences with our family.

The life and relationships you have tomorrow are made with your decisions today

You have a choice.

Engineer the life you want.

Don’t defer any longer.

Happy Birthday, buddy.

Love, Dad.


“OH $$$$! What Did I Do?!?!”


Don’t think you are. Know you are.